The Senses



Voice has reached me that some friends of mine still didn’t know I have a new book out, so I guess I’m miserably failing at this whole self-promotion thing. Indeed, I have realized that I had never even announced it here on my blog (but you, dear readers, regularly check my website, follow me on the twitter, and all the rest, right?).

Anyway, to avoid any confusion, here we go: I made a new book – GO BUY IT!

It’s called The Senses and it has a warm red cover, full of silver and gold shiny things (FIG. 2) which looks great next to Christmas trees, Menorahs, previous books by the same author, and what have you. Also – SPOILER ALERT – it’s about the brain and it subtly denies the existence of  the ‘Soul’ so it’s perfect for your atheist friends too (happy Festivus everyone!).

Figure 2

No, seriously, I have been working on this since early 2015, so it was incredibly exciting to finally hold it in my hands this past October. Nobrow, as usual, made a masterful job with the printing! After some delays with the shipping it looks like it’s finally arriving to bookshops around the globe and I have heard that Amazon is even shipping it directly to your doorstep. I can’t wait for you to read it and I hope you’ll enjoy it.

I’ll be back in the new year with more science comics, thank you all for your support!

cover draft – 2016
cover draft – 2015



After more than a year spent working on it I can finally announce that Cervellopoli, my first children’s book, is now published!


Editoriale Scienza approached me back in 2015, asking me if I was interested in writing an introduction to neuroscience for younger readers. I had no experience in writing children’s books but thanks to their expert guidance (and a lot of help at the colors from my friend Marie De Beaucourt) I can say that I am very happy with the result.


But the final judgement is now up to my new readers, so if you know a little Italian speaker please consider buying the book for them (I hope to have soon an English edition as well). Thanks!